NOUS SOMMES ... CONSTANTLY WORKING ON WAYS TO IMPROVE OUR SERVICE FEEDBACK FORM YOUR OPINION MATTERSAt Fire Glass UK we always value your opinion.Take a few moments to fill out the form below so we can monitor how we are doing and improve our service to you. OUR SERVICE:On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent, how likely are you to recommend Fire Glass UK to a friend or colleague?* 1 Poor2 Fair3 Average4 Good5 Excelent SCORE:Please give a reason for the score you have given.* ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT?: What is one thing that you think we could do better as a company?* Other Comments PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: What other products and services would you like us to supply? RESPONSIVENESS How do you rate our responsiveness in dealing with you? 1234 PROFESSIONALISM How do you rate our professionalism in dealing with you? 1234 TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you received support, how do you rate the competence of our staff? 1234 Your Message